Decentralised Renewable Energy Solutions in post-COVID Recovery

This virtual policy dialogue by the Global Renewables Congress on strengthening the role of renewable energy in post-COVID recovery was the first in a series of policy dialogues in 2021. It took place digitally from 10.30am – 11.30pm CET/ 09.30am – 10.30am GMT on Thursday, 25th February 2021.

We are dealing with an unprecedented challenge. The current COVID19 pandemic has severe impacts on our health system and has led to one of the biggest economic collapses since the Great Depression. It has shown us very clearly, that our way of living and working is at the expanse of the planet. The current crisis has further amplified existing inequalities but has also sparked strong calls for actions to build back stronger and greener. This global movement poses a great opportunity for fast-tracking the energy transition. Members of Parliament play a decisive role in this endeavour.

1. Introduction
2. Learnings from post-COVID19 recovery package analyses – Catherine Adelmann, Fosera
3. Expert input on decentralised RE – Eco Matser, Hivos
4. Interventions by GRC members
5. Open Dialogue

The objective of this first session was to unveil the importance of decentralised renewable energy solutions and off-grid technologies to build back better together. Based on the findings of our recently published series of analyses on the role of renewables in post-COVID recovery, participants and attendees shared their insights and experiences on how renewables can revitalise inclusive economic growth post-COVID19 in an interactive discussion.


February 25, 2021



Participants info