In April 2021, following up the Mano River Union High-Level Conference on Renewable Energy and Clean Cooking in November 2019, the Global Renewables Congress provided support to the virtual MRU Stakeholders’ Dialogue on Renewable Energy and Clean Cooking Solution hosted by the MRU Secretariat and The Energy Nexus Network (TENN).
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the event was held virtually and was hosted by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
The event was attended by the Secretary-General of the Mano River Union, CEO of TENN, Deputy Director-General of IRENA, parliamentarians and focal persons from the Ministries of Energy in the MRU Members States (Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone), policymakers, academics, and organizations including representatives from private sector companies working in the renewable energy and clean cooking space.
This sub-regional initiative and related events are aimed at supporting the development of the renewable energy sector and addressing clean cooking challenges.
The report was developed by country partners of ILEM Consultancy on behalf of The Energy Nexus Network (TENN) in Sierra Leone.
Following up on discussions at the stakeholder’s dialogue in April 2021, the GRC commissioned a Background paper for the MRU Region on Renewable Energy. The paper presents the current energy situation of the four MRU countries and is intended to inform the projected IRENA energy scenario for the region.