REPORT – High-Level Multi-Stakeholder Renewable Energy and Clean Cooking Conference for the Mano River Union

Author(s): Dr. Paul T. Yillia; Professor Kelleh Gbawuru-Mansaray; Dr. Michael A. Conteh; Dr. David Caulker
Published: 2020

Sierra Leone hosted the first Mano River Union Renewable Energy and Clean Cooking Conference under the theme “Growing the Sub-Regional Energy Market”.

The high-level multi-stakeholder conference, including energy ministers,
parliamentarians, policymakers, academics, development experts and representatives from the private sector and civil society working in the renewable energy sector.

The conference concluded with a declaration to exhibit true leadership and increase efforts to explore joint measures to develop the renewable energy sector and clean cooking solutions in the Mano River Union.


1. Dr. Paul T. YilliaResearch Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
2. Professor Kelleh Gbawuru-Mansaray, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone
3. Dr. Michael A. Conteh, Senior Lecturer & Head of Department, Department of Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone
4. Dr. David Caulker, Senior Lecturer & Head of Department, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone